Our cSINO Design Principles and Lesson Checklist

cSINO Guiding Principles and Commitments

These principles were developed by the participating teachers and partners (2022-24) and is meant to be a living document.

  1. Promote learning where all students are supported in leading the “figuring out” of phenomena (while using best aspects from approaches like 5E, PBL, etc.).
  2. Privilege students’ and their community’s prior knowledge/experience/strengths/languages.
  3. Engage our budding scientists and computer scientists (i.e., our students) in rich language opportunities/practices (e.g., GLAD) that emphasize concepts over vocabulary.
  4. Seek to have CT aspects be used in progressively deeper ways over time. 
  5. Foster students’ identity as scientists/computer scientists.
  6. Materials are doable and are easy to use so that they will actually be used by teachers.

cSINO Lesson “Checklist”

Grade Level: FOSS Unit Title:
FOSS Part / Lesson #: Lesson Title:
Number of Sessions or Days in Lesson:

Use the following scale to review the lesson which may have multiple sessions or days.

Lesson Feature Nailed it! Needs a little help Whoa, need to take a look again
Connects to students’ prior knowledge
Connects to students’ interests to enhance learning interest
Connects to a local phenomenon or problem and draws on family interest
Includes an opportunity for students to extend their learning outside the classroom at some point
Engages students in rich language opportunities/practices, emphasizing concepts over vocabulary
Includes multiple ways for students to engage concepts, ideally through different science and engineering practices
Helps students understand the academic language in the lesson
Assesses students’ understanding of Computational Thinking concepts (formally or informally)
Builds on prior Computational Thinking and anticipates Computational Thinking needs of the next lesson / part

Space to provide additional notes/feedback on this lesson which may have multiple sessions or days.

Notes on Session 1:

Notes on Session 2:

Notes on Session 3:

Notes on Session 4:

Notes on Session 5: 


A Research Practice Partnership between UC Santa Cruz and Santa Cruz City Schools